The Webpublication Platform provides multiple ways for tracking the user engagement on your digital assets. We have built-in "visits statisitcs" which provide data about the number of times your publications, galleries and applications were visited...
Set the google analytics measurement ID Login to your Google Analytics account. If you already have a Property you can copy its tracking code (measurement ID) by doing the following: Click on the Admin button. Select the appropriate tracking...
You can watch a video version of this tutorial below This guide contains a list of best practices and things to avoid when you create InDesign documents with editable pages. The publications created in such a way may be modified from the...
The latest version of the plugin ( 3.57) has new features that will facilitate your work on your projects and improve your Webpublication experience. In the “Project finalization” section you will find additional buttons that allow you to...
You can link the gallery to your publication from the "Design" section => "Menu manager". You simply drag and drop the "Gallery" icon to the place you want (the "Gallery" button will be displayed in the navigation bar). *If the gallery is linked...
Publication export The first time you create a publication from the plugin, a folder will automatically be created at the root of your drive. Inside the folder you will always find the link of the publication, as well as another folder with the...
Search for items (publications, resources) in your drive The new platform interface offers you a better user experience with intuitive options and features. The display of assets allows you to consult the resources in your account in "Thumbnail"...
Now you have the possibility to create a slider directly from the plugin, which can contain images, videos and Youtube links too. Create an action area with the “Rectangular Block” tool. 2. Once the action area has been created, you have to go...
You can watch a video version of this tutorial below Using the Text tool, create a column of digits from 0 to 0, as shown in the example below. From Window -> Interactive -> Animation, add the effect "Fly in from Bottom" to your digits column....
You can watch a video version of this tutorial below: First create a button. You can use The text tool for the label, and optionally you can also create a background. (Go to step 2 if you already know how to do this.) Create a rectangle with the...
Create the desired elements: • A button that triggers the appearance of the pop-in, • The pop-in itself (it can contain different content - images, videos, text etc.), • A button to “Close” the popin. For the buttons you can use the...
There is no limit on the number of demo versions you can create in order to test the solution Webpublication. Credits will be deducted from your account only when you publish your publication. You also have the possibility to share your unpublished...
You have the option of hosting the publication on your servers by generating a master from the Webpublication platform. Here you will find the necessary information. After publishing your publication, you can create your online master from the...
The Webpublication platform offers you the possibility to use the cookie policy, which complies with the latest European regulations. You have three options for implementing the cookie policy on your publication: The "Default" option disables the...
The Webpublication platform allows you to restrict the access to your publications. Securing your publication hosted on our server. Securing your publication via Excel file: In order to enable the security from the platform, you have to go to Edit...
You can update your publication anytime, by following the next steps. PDF publications Make the modifications on your original PDF. All the pages of the PDF must have the same dimensions - height and width. After the changes have been applied on...
Concerning the URL customization, you have the option to customize the entire URL, the first part or the second part of the URL. Our solution generates default URLs like these:...
You can create interactive digital publications from PDF directly from the Webpublication platform. Here are the steps to follow. In order to create a publication from a PDF, you have to go on the Webpublication platform and choose the option Create...
Follow the steps below in order to create an animated image carousel: Create a placeholder for the images with the rectangular block tool. Duplicate the rectangular block to match the number of images you want to incorporate in the carousel. Select...
These are the steps to follow in order to create the animated scaling effect. 2. With the selected element choose the Grow effect from "Animations" => "Redefined animations". 3. Once you have selected the preset effect, you can change the...