How to create a rollover effect

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Published on: April 16, 2021

In order to create the rollover effect, here are the steps to follow: Create a rectangular block with the rectangular tool for the button.  2. Create a text box with the Text tool. 3. Group the two action areas (the button and the text) and...
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How to create a free demonstration for an InDesign publication

Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Published on: April 16, 2021

Now you have the option to share your publication via the Webpublication extension. There is no limit on the number of demo versions you can create to test the solution. Credits will be deducted from your account only when you publish your...
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How to configure the display of the second level content

Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Published on: April 11, 2021

The new features allows the configuration of the second level content’s display via the plugin. Here you will find additional details in order to define the display of the second level content on your interactive digital publication. After adding...
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How to insert a video or a podcast

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Published on: April 11, 2021

In order to embed a video / podcast in your INDD project, you have to create a rectangular block with the Rectangle Frame tool and select the Video option from the plugin. you can choose the file from your Drive or from your also have...
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How to create a responsive popup

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Published on: April 9, 2021

In order to create a responsive popup, your INDD file must have a size of 1920px for large screens in order to be adapted afterwards for smaller screens. The format has to be set within the same INDD file. * The height of your document may vary...
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How to create a scrollable area

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Published on: April 8, 2021

Now you have the possibility to create scrollable areas via the plugin. You can find additional information on this page. Create a rectangular block with the rectangle tool. Create a text box next to it. Select and copy the text box. In order to...
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How to install our InDesign Plugin

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Published on: February 22, 2021

If InDesign is opened, close it and sign out of Adobe Creative Cloud. After that sign back in:
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