The new features allows the configuration of the second level content’s display via the plugin. Here you will find additional details in order to define the display of the second level content on your interactive digital publication. After adding...
In order to embed a video / podcast in your INDD project, you have to create a rectangular block with the Rectangle Frame tool and select the Video option from the plugin. you can choose the file from your Drive or from your also have...
Storytelling is an art that can help you sell products and services. Any good storyteller knows how important emotions are in making purchases. If you make your consumers laugh, want something or feel empathy, you will leave your mark. It makes...
Tips for Your Newsletter The internal company newsletter was introduced to Europe in 1920 by the Bell company to provide information to their employees. Since then, it has changed considerably. Companies now use newsletters to create connections...
If you enrich your documents properly, they become more of a mini-website than a print composition. So it is important to follow web design trends, as they will directly influence your creations. 2019 isn’t over yet, but web designers are already...
Here we are, the digital age has arrived and seems to be here to stay. Technology is changing and it is perfectly logical that your readers’ consumption habits adapt to these changes. According to studies by Keypoint Intelligence, more people will...