New statistics dashboard
Introducing our brand new statistics dashboard available in the left sidebar of the administration area.

The statistics dashboard provides convenient information depending on the role of the logged in user.
Account managers
The following reports are available for users managing single accounts:
- Detailed yearly report for the creation of Webpublication products per month
- Yearly report for the creation of Uprez users per month
- Sharing statistics - the last 10 items which were sent, opened, not-read
- Total number of items sent per month
- User activity report showing the last 10 users who have signed in
Agency account managers
- Top 10 accounts which they followed, created, completed training, had credits returned or those who were inactive for 1 year
- Top 10 accounts by Credits spent, Credits used, Uprez users
- Last 10 Webpublication products, InDesign Publications, Editable Publications, Uprez applications, Galleries, Products with masters
- Last 10 non-responsive INDD, INDD with no custom bar, INDD with no background
Many of the new reports support marking a user or product as favourite by clicking a start icon.

Custom default view mode for system pages
System pages like My Selection, My Downloads, New and Search now inherit the view mode defined as default for the application drive.
Publications in offline mode can now open galleries in a popup
Previously it wasn't possible to add an offline gallery inside a popup. This case is now handled.
Make it possible to share from within publications available offline
With the help of a custom sharing button publications opened in the context of the Uprez application can now be shared while in offline mode both by copying the publication URL and via email. In the case of sharing via email, the sharing action will occur immediately after the device comes back online. Available since (3.58.3)
Make it possible to download specific resources without their dependencies
This development is particularly useful when a publication is set as a home page for a Uprez app and that publication has a lot of other publications as dependencies. Excluding these dependencies from the required downloads list increases the speed of initial loading of the app. Available since (3.58.3)
Other fixes and improvements
- There was a regression preventing the user from modifying the login field after logging out. The problem is now resolved.
- Fix a problem with mailto enrichment on iOS devices. Available since (3.58.3)
Set color theme to text frames
It is now possible to apply colour themes to a text frame. Note that the whole block of text will use the colour from the theme, and changing the colour of parts of the text within the block will be disabled.
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