Complete redesign of the project finalization tab
We've upgraded the user interface for all Plugin actions related to the publishing and update InDesign publications. The user feedback - notices, warnings and error messages were also redesigned.
A new InDesign document is created when the user duplicates a publication (previously called 'save as').
It's now possible to preview the active document instead of just the active spread.
Uprez user packages
As of this version the number of users allowed in a Uprez application will be determined based on the users package which the account holder has purchased.
Uprez Editor Restyling
The Uprez Editor has a new look which provides for a much better user experience.
- The user can show/hide sidebar on the left and customize the size of the thumbnails.

- The Preview and Published version can be shared separately and updated directly from the editor.

- New text editing capabilities have been included.

Use custom domain and URL when Sharing
If a custom domain or URL are set on a resource, they are used when sharing by Uprez or Gallery.
Prioritized download based on a tag
The Uprez app can now be configured to automatically download a subset of the resources included in it. Thanks to this feature the account manager can mark several resources as important using tags. The important resources may be set to download automatically or upon clicking a button "Download Important Assets" located in the Uprez Parameters page.
A way to refresh the app without relaunching
If a user chooses to keep the app suspended instead of closing it, then the app will automatically refresh once every 4 hours. The folder structure can also be updated by clicking the button "Refresh folder tree" located on the Parameters page.

Preview version of InDesign publications
InDesign publications now have a pre-prod "Preview" version accessible from the plugin and the Uprez Editor. The "Preview" version is in fact a new publication that is linked to the original and once validated, it completely replaces the original one.
Optimized CSS on combine
We have optimized the CSS on publications which have been combined avoiding the previously long names of CSS selectors.
Subsequent Minor Releases
3.53.1 - Library management can now be done directly from Uprez
- Library management can now be done directly from Uprez for Account Managers.
- Fixed incorrectly launching the action of animated buttons after they have been edited in the Uprez Editor.
- The thumbnails of single pages are always centered in old publications.
- Subscript and superscript functionality is now added in the text editor and the size of some icons is increased.
- Fixed loading issue on static pages.
3.53.2 - Uprez - the "Get URL" button provides a production link
- The "Get URL" button provides a production link for the resource after it has been published.
- Editor users can now modify published copies of master publications.
- A label is added to the "Preview" versions of publications.
- Automatic session renewal is now possible even if the user has changed their password from the Uprez profile page.
3.53.3 - Uprez - Automatic session renewal improved
- Automatic session renewal is now performed immediately after the application is resumed.
- Page numbers in the Uprez editor now match the number of spreads.
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