Edit background image / video
We can change the background image or video from Uprez editor by selecting the shown image/video and using the editing panel to select another one.

Add settings for video enrichment
We can now define the following settings on video enrichments
- autoplay (on/off)
- controls (on/off)
- no sound (on/off)
Per-page customizations on ePub publications
We've provided some more advanced handling that should solve the issues with updates from plugin after changes from admin on background color/image. Only changes from plugin should be applied on the publication and values that were changed on admin but kept like previous version on plugin should stay with the version from admin.
Signature options on customer accounts
We can configure the default signature options for newly created publications on customer level from “Accounts” edit popup. We have pre-configured options for FR / UK / ES and can also select None or Personalized.
In Personalized case we have to populate all 3 fields for branding text, URL and color
Vertical arrows configuration
We can now configure the arrows position for publications configured for vertical navigation.
Expiring activity filter
On the “Account activity” screen we’ve added a new drop down filter with default state “All activity” and option to select “Expiring activity”. Once the user selects the “Expiring activity” option, we automatically populate the date field FromtodayTo {30 days after today} and show the activities that will expire in this period.
For the activities with type “Unlimited modifications” and “App devices” there will be a “Renew” button which allows custom settings. The “Renew” button will disappear once the given activity has been renewed.
For the activities that represent expiring resources, the Commercials and Customer success team will be able to select a new expiration date by clicking on the date in the “End date” column.
Online Payments (french accounts only)
We are now providing the option to pay online for the credits that prepaid customers buy. We are using the payment gateway provided by Societe Generale bank and the online payments will be available only for customers under NI FR subsidiary for now. The status of the account activities for buying credits with online payment will be “Paid”.
For the other prepaid customer accounts we keep the previous approach with notifying the Commercials and Customer success and invoicing them manually as account activity entries appear with status “To be invoiced”.
ePub publications report
Once a publication has been uploaded from our plugin and processed on the backend we are generating a report which provides some hints for issues and files which could be optimized. We are showing the status of the conversion on top of the page and display 3 main categories separated in different tables: Errors, Big Image resolution and Big Files. The entries in the tables for big files & resolutions are displayed in Red, Yellow and Black depending on the importance to take action for the given file - compress or downscale.
Alternative text extraction on PDF publications
On the “Settings” screen for PDF publications we have provided a button which executes alternative text extraction. This button should only be used for publications where the extracted text with our default tool is not good enough - it might be detected by the customer when searching in publication is not showing any results for some specific keywords.
- Creation of responsive popups with adaptative images and text sizes
- Create scrollable areas
- Configure integrated video to autoplay, loop, stay muted or hide controls
- Enrichment to open link in current tab or in new tab.
- Allow having spreads with 2 pages and spreads with 1 page simultaneously in a publication.
- Set an element as non-editable when working with editable pages
- Transparent background for popups.
- Add button to show export report with additional information such as the list of images that may impact user with slow connection or error messages
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